Monday, August 30, 2010

Back At It

So I am back at it after a trying summer filled with croissant sandwiches, cookies, snacks, cupcakes and so many other delicious treats! Payback, however, is nothing nice as I am now battling the 9 pound influx around my mid section. Not to be discouraged because I have recommitted myself to the morning workout and the careful counting of points in order to get back to my "happy place!"

There are many lessons learned this summer - some great, some challenging and some that have definitely made me "check myself." Although I hate to admit defeat, I was probably a little bit too confident in my ability to cheat the scale. Disappointed is how I feel most days that I would have allowed myself to indulge in all things sugar and full fat but after a year and a half of constantly being in the zone, 9 pounds is certainly better than 65 pounds. You win some and you lose some and today I am considering myself a winner because I am not starting from that place; rather, I am setting a new goal and challenging myself to surpass that goal. After all, I am much better with a goal!