So, I am trying to do this blog but it doesn't help when it's confusing!!!! I mean, seriously, I can barely remember what I am wearing muchless another password and login!!! I even wrote this one down and had to reconfigure my password! Anyway, enough about that! SO I have decided that I love our house and what it has done for my work/balance relationship but I HATE the commute. I am still trying to "get it right" for lack of a better way to put it! I know that part of the problem is that my people are not morning people but I feel like if I have to adjust my schedule then guess what???? Everyone should have to adjust their schedules too. Besides, I'm the one who's getting up earlier while everyone is still sleeping so in my mind that means that there should be NO ISSUES!!!! Well, not so much! To my dismay, I still have oversleepers and grouchy people in the morning. This still puts me in that "in a rush" mode when leaving and all I can do is clock watch while driving - knowing good and well that my clock is set 10 minutes fast ON PURPOSE! So while I drive I subtract time constantly!
Moving on to the actual "Gibson Family Update!" and away from the "Mommy's Pissed off and Ranting Update!" We had a really nice Easter weekend. Saturday was beautiful and Camille and I got a chance to spend some quality time together while the boys hung out. We went to the mall and played outside in the backyard, snuggled and argued and put together Easter baskets! She watched and "assisted" by constantly asking her favorite question - "what's that?" while I put together the baskets. On Sunday, the kids actually slept in until about 8:30. Shannon and I were able to actually have an uninterrupted conversation about nothing and I got dressed in peace! Camille woke up, Dylan shortly after and they discovered that the Easter Bunny arrived overnight! Camille's toy was broken w/in 2 minutes of opening - I think that's a record but I can also thank Michael's for having cheap toys that I don't really care about! Dylan enjoyed his toys as well. It was nice this year b/c I actually didn't go overboard w/the candy. I went for the "less is more" way of thinking and I saved myself some money, time and stress! It was much more pleasant for everyone! We also welcomed our favorite visitor and BFF Crystal to town!!! Yay for Crystal visits - even if they are short! We had a free sprinkles cupcake b/c I am following them on twitter and had lunch at Breadwinners! (She also brought with her, per my request and most recent expectation of her, that addicting Garret's popcorn!!!! YUM!) It was a great day - family, wonderful friends and home improvement projects!
We also realized that we have a visiting friend in our backyard. A red Cardinal has taken up residence in our b
ackyard and on our fence from time to time. Crystal thinks that he has a nest somewhere near but I have come to enjoy seeing him around the yard! Dylan noticed him yesterday in the yard. We attempted to name him but the final verdict is still up in the air....I caught a picture of him from my kitchen window! BTW, my kitchen window is probably my favorite feature of our house b/c it's big, it slides open and you can see the whole backyard from it! It just helps me to appreciate the small a little red cardinal!
i really hope none of my family reads your blog! then they will figure out i was there this last weekend and why i was mia!
I thought about that but then why would they read my blog?????
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