So today trumps the beginning of the week in one instance - the fender bender! On my way to lunch to meet up with an old friend, I found myself exchanging information with an older gentleman with the last name "Fortune." Unfortunately for him it was not good fortune that found its way into his life but my bad karma that has been following me throughout the week. I wish I could pinpoint exactly when I knew that this week would be a series of unexplainable events but I can't. I'd love to blame it on the missed workouts which then caused me to be off my game for the early part in the week but honestly, I don't really think that's it. Maybe it's just that this week was a week of lessons that I needed to put into practice. For starters, not being in control of my own situation and having to alter my plans right before they were about to happen (gym), feeling really overwhelmed and somewhat inadequate at work (no particular reason, just think it's a learning curve really), screwing up some communication through email and topping it off by rear ending the nicest gentleman you could ever imagine. I guess if one of my children had called me with all of this "drama" I would simply ask them what did you learn from each experience and what can you do differently next time? I know that I probably let most of these situations get the best of me but my response to the climatic events that led to today surprised even myself. For the most part, I was pretty calm about it all - I had my"moments" but I did pretty good in the "just let it go" category. I didn't dwell on them for the long periods of time that I normally hold on to stuff. I kind of just threw my hands up and said "oh well." I mean, what is meant to be will be and although I had some control over each situation, I believe that I did the best that I could in each one. I worked out really hard when I did go to the gym. I vented my frustration about my feelings of stress related to work and continued on with the current project. I asked for help and I prayed with a stranger on the side of Lover's Lane because it was the right thing to do and just what I needed at the time.
It is now 9:21 pm. I am reflecting about my week on this blog. My children are bathed and currently "reading" all the books that they took off of the shelf (about 25 or so...). Dylan is being nice to his sister for a change and Camille is saying "awesome Dylan" and strategically placing stickers on my arm. It's a rare moment and although I secretly wish they were asleep, there is something comforting in the fact that they know nothing about my bad karma this week. They just know that mom woke them up, dressed them, fed them, drove them to school, picked them up from school, gave them baths, kissed them and loved them. The other stuff kinda doesn't matter.
1 comment:
I hate that this happened to you today! We still need to go "shopping" together LOL! And, I will drive!
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