Kids: As far as the kiddos are concerned, this was a much better week with our new "sleep routine" in place. Last night we actually got people in bed BEFORE 9 pm! Now that's not saying that everyone was asleep but 1 out of 2 is a pretty good ratio for us! Although I still felt that tug at my heart after the first born got out of bed with his 6th sob story of the night, I held strong and marched him right back to his room and into his bed each time. Every time I reassured him that he would be fine and eventually he got tired of making shadow shapes on the wall! Camille was another story and her sob story reads more on her little face and the way that she says "mommy" that gets me everytime. Those sweet little hands that are clinging for dear life as her daddy carries her into the room to face the darkness and what is, in my opinion, some good sleep! Bottom line is that the "lunch bunch" was right - "those children need to go to bed earlier!" Generally speaking, when people give you advice that you know is right, you do your best to listen. I'm a big girl and I know when I need to listen!

"Even at my leanest and fittest I was always a large girl that was working real
ly, really hard not to be." I read this statement in a daily weight loss reflection email that I receive and boy did that hit close to home. I am at my leanest and fittest and I still see myself as a large girl working hard not to be.....where's the enjoyment of the accomplishment of losing 65.6 pounds if I am afraid to embrace the person that I have become and was meant to be? So I've decided that whatever the number on my scale I will deal with it - myself! No one else needs to be a part of my own craziness and I need to stop being my own worst enemy. I have the tools that I need to be successful and to remain the person that I am today and it is up to me and only me to continue to live a healthy life.

"Learning new things sparks the fear of doing it wrong and being judged by our peers." (daily meditation email - do you get the theme here? Obviously, I am getting therapy via email! HA!) I am more than sure that everyone goes through something like this when they start a new job. I've always set high expectations for myself and today is no different than yesterday! However, being judged by my peers has never been something that I've dwelled on in previous jobs. I could kinda care less and maybe it's because the work that I did (before SMU) wasn't as meaningful to me as what I do now. I love my job, the work that I do, the people that I work with and the institution itself. I am challenging myself on a daily basis to not be afraid of doing something wrong but to be confident and smart in the decisions that I am making. I was afforded this opportunity because someone was confident in me and my ability to do this job right. So what if I mess up a few things along the way. I'm smart enough to fix it - right? ;o)
There you have it! Oh....did I mention that my wonderful friend Crystal (BFF!!!! we are so high school!) is returning to Dallas? Let the countdown begin! It couldn't have been a better week! ;o)
I am excited for Crystal to get here too!!
I am very proud of you Renee. You are amazing! Now stop agonizing about everything and enjoy life.
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